Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

Let's Study Amazing Mathematics....!! ^^

Though that I'm an university student of mathematics, but in my lesson I get english lesson there,and my English Lecturer's name is Mr.Marsigit.
English is very important for us,so we get this in all class.

For our last assigment of english lesson,Mr.Marsigit command us to look for a partner,and my partner's name is Lucia Martika Yundarwiti,she usually called yuyun.He command us to find out some plane and we have to compose our idea to exlpain that plane.

I explain yuyun about square.For first step I explain about the definition of the square.Square have four congruent sides and four right angles.The square is a highly symmetric object.Each angle is 90 degree.Second, i explain to Yuyun to calculate the surface area of this plane.For calculate the surface area we use the formula sxs or A=s^2.I give an example to Yuyun,there are a square which has 5cm side,so the surface area of this square is 5^2=25cm^2.
if we slice a square pass its plane diagonal,we get two right triangle there.

Then,Yuyun explain to me about a rectangle.She explain that a rectangle is a quadrilateral where all four of its angles are right angles.It follows that a rectangle has two pairs of parallel sides; that is, a rectangle is a parallelogram.It is also a special case of a trapezoid or trapezium. A rectangle with vertices ABCD would be denoted as ABCD. The dual polygon of a rectangle is a rhombus. The three-dimensional counterpart of a rectangle is a cuboid, also called a rectangular parallelepiped.
A perfect rectangle may refer to the golden rectangle, or to a rectangle partitioned into similar polygons all of different sizes.

It's a happiness thing to study together with Yuyun,we can share our problem,so we understand about this solution of mathematics problem.It's real that Mathematics is amazing.

Globally Communication

In this modern era we claimed to follow modern think of our life.
One of the 'key' to 'walk' in this era is by communication.
communication is very important for us.
By communication we can explore our world.

As we know, there are two types of communication,formal communication and informal communication.

Formal communication resources can we get from our lecturer,our leader in our society,etc.Our Lecturer try to develop us to get something better from communication,try to find out solution to solve our problem of communication,especially for our study in university.

Informal communication resources can we get from communicating with other,such as our friends,our sister,etc.

The aspects of communication can we get from many things,such as : talking, writing, hearing, singing, telephoning, crying, all of our activity can ilustrate what is our heart feel now.

How we expressed something...??
we can expressed something from communication. We can expressed by learning, studying, browsing internet, etc. from time to time we improve our competency.
Moreover, from joking, we also can expressed our feel so can refresh our mind from weary.

Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

What is the Real Meaning of Communication...???

Communication..??what do you think first of this word..??Speak..??yess its true.talk with another..??of course.Communication have lot means.Communication is very important for us.Everytime and everywhere we need communication.Without Communication world is empty and "die".

What is the meaning of communication?Communication is the process to give information to another.Information have many means there,such as speaking,writing,singing,cryiing,laughing,etc.When we study,we need communication.When we go to other place,we need communication.In all of our activity,its need communication.
When we telephoning or sending message to our friend,we called them communication too.

There are two types of communication,formal communication and informal communication.

How about pray..??yes,alright.When we get pray to god,its called communication too.
Communication between us to our god.

Beside formal and informal communication,there are four types of communication too,there are:
1. material communication
2. formalize communication
3. normative communication
4. spiritual communication